treat a disease

美 [triːt ə dɪˈziːz]英 [triːt ə dɪˈziːz]
  • 治疗疾病
treat a diseasetreat a disease
  1. As for me , I treat a disease when it is already well developed and very serious . People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels3 or applying medical ointment4 on the skin , and thus look upon me as well versed5 in medicine . So I have become well known all over the country . "


  2. If they can be used as the materials of drug carriers , it will be more effective to treat a disease by the cooperation of carriers and drugs .


  3. See disease take medicine or hospitalization sees disease actually treat a disease namely after the process ends , the patient can make one Ge overall assessment to whole hospital , medical skill how ?


  4. The China , India , Japan and Egypt all have the medicinal records of garlic . Many countries and nationalities are accumulated experience with garlic to prevent disease , to treat a disease , and prolong life .


  5. Orphan drug status provides the company with financial incentives to promote the development of a drug to treat a rare disease or condition .


  6. But as the number of drugs that can treat a given disease begins to grow , it becomes increasingly difficult to beat what 's out there .


  7. Of these , 50 were made in response to disaster situations , 43 involved the long-term donation of a drug to treat a specific disease and3 were drug recycling cases .


  8. Conclusion With the help of local anaesthesia , the surgical treatment of unilateral or bilateral ventricular puncture , injection with urokinase for dissolving hematoma and persistent drainage is a simple and safe method to treat such a disease .


  9. Gene therapy has never before been used to treat a degenerative brain disease in humans and the success represents an important landmark .


  10. Even if obesity in a particular person is connected to lifestyle instead of genetic issues there is no reason not to treat it as a disease .


  11. A major worldwide breakthrough in gene therapy was signalled last night after injections into the brain were used for the first time to successfully treat a degenerative brain disease .


  12. Chinese scientists say a derivative of the shrub Chinese wormwood ( Artemisia annua ) can prevent and treat bilharzia & a disease caused by parasitic worms called schistosomes .


  13. Way too often , the authors treat singlehood as a disease that needs to be cured , and they tell you what you did wrong that led you to get ( or stay ) sick .


  14. Unlike drugmakers , supplement manufacturers cannot make claims that their products will cure , mitigate , treat , or prevent a disease .


  15. And they are looking afresh at medical care for obese people . The hope is that this work will eventually lead to new therapies that treat obesity as a chronic disease and can help keep weight under control for life .
